Dear Friends,

“The Relevance of Prophecy”

Daniel 3

As I write this, America is a few days away from another Presidential election. Passions are intense and emotions high as people on both sides of the political fence consider how they might react if things “go South”.

Are the prophets of the Old Testament, and specifically Daniel, relevant to our current situation? Absolutely!

Things had actually “gone North” for God’s people living in the Southern Kingdom of Judah about 600 years before Christ. King Nebuchadnezzar had besieged  and destroyed Jerusalem, carrying its citizens North into Babylon to live for the next 70 years.

The Jewish captives included Daniel and his three compatriots Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego. In the middle of this compelling account of the “Fiery Furnace” incident, we find a powerful example of how God’s loyal followers can respond when tempted to compromise their convictions in threatening circumstances.

How should Christians behave if things don’t go in the direction we desire? Here are 5 Contemporary Connections from Daniel 3:

  1. Believe in the Power (v. 17 – God is able to intervene), Providence (v. 18 – Even if He doesn’t intervene, He is working out His perfect plan) and Presence (v. 25 – He is with us, even in the fire) of God.
  2. Expect Persecution (Jesus promised it to His disciples)
  3. “Fear God more than flames” (Erwin Lutzer) (Matt. 10:24-33)
  4. We can lose and still win
  5. Believe in the Power of Our Witness (The testimony of Daniel and his 3 friends deeply affected the King and encourages us today.)

May God’s Word guide us through the days ahead.

In Jesus’ love,

Pastor Tim Sir